Planning Meetings
Members of the CCA meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to work towards our aims.
Text our membership officer for the details: Kim 0435 889 544
Market Stalls
We hold market stalls from time to time to talk about coal-ash. Text Kim on 0435 889 544 if you can lend a hand.
Upcoming events.
CCA Stall at the Living Smart Festival
2030 - Empty Coal-ash Dams? A community workshop to envisage how we can get there
Starting with an exhibition of ceramics created from clay mixed with coal-ash and with a screening of the film ‘Regenerating Australia’, we’ll embark on envisaging how communities around Lake Macquarie can regenerate themselves and their environments.
Please note:
The entry to the Lake Macquarie Landcare & Sustainable Living Centre umali barai-ku is a little hidden between the trees behind the parking area opposite the Anglicare Nursing Home
CCA Stall at the Lake Mac Repair Cafe
We will be at the August Repair Cafe - come and drop by for a chat while you’re waiting to have your stuff repaired!
Please note:
The entry to the Lake Macquarie Landcare & Sustainable Living Centre umali barai-ku is a little hidden between the trees behind the parking area opposite the Anglicare Nursing Home
2030 - Empty Coal-ash Dams? A first workshop to imagine how we can get there
Two small-group workshop sessions, one using a 3D printer to produce ceramic artworks from clay mixed with coal-ash, and the other developing story boards that envisage how communities around Lake Macquarie can regenerate themselves and their environment - once the coal-ash in the power station dams is processed into environmentally safe and economically viable products.
Please note:
The entry to the Lake Macquarie Landcare & Sustainable Living Centre umali barai-ku is a little hidden between the trees behind the parking area opposite the Anglicare Nursing Home
BBQ & Mass Meeting @ Eraring Power Station
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Myuna Bay Picnic for Nature
We are organizing an amazing program, from fun activities for kids and adults to environmental talks and discussions on what's next for the area.
🌻Make a pot and plant a sunflower with Knitting Nannas
🔴Play croquet with Toronto Croquet Club
🌿Take a seagrass walk with Ocean & Coastal Care Initiatives (OCCI )
🌱Learn about bush foods with OzTukka
🔄Find out about coal-ash reuse with the Coal-ash Community Alliance (CCA)
Learn more about your local environmental groups who are also joining us:
Lake Macquarie Landcare
Sustainable Neighbourhood Groups
Sea Shepherd and the list keeps growing!
Bring your family, friends, a picnic lunch and something to sit on (and closed toed shoes if you would like to join the seagrass walk)! It's going to be a great day!
More information:
Power station closures - what next for workers and the environment?
The Hunter Community Environment Centre hosts a public meeting focusing on the opportunities for environmental decontamination, local jobs and investment, which could be underpinned by a proposal for a new coal-ash waste recycling industry.
We extend an invitation to power station workers and residents of Lake Macquarie, the Central Coast and Lower Hunter to join us at for speakers, Q&A and discussion:
Speakers include:
- Paul Winn, HCEC Senior Researcher
- Dr. Ingrid Schraner, Economist
- Cory Wright, AMWU State Secretary
- Justin Page, Former ETU State Secretary, Hunter Joint Organisation
- Nick Willis, Wilco Envirotech Co-founder
Power station closures - what next for workers and the environment?
The Hunter Community Environment Centre hosts a public meeting focusing on the opportunities for environmental decontamination, local jobs and investment, which could be underpinned by a proposal for a new coal-ash waste recycling industry.
We extend an invitation to power station workers and residents of Lake Macquarie, the Central Coast and Lower Hunter to join us at for speakers, Q&A and discussion:
Speakers include:
- Paul Winn, HCEC Senior Researcher
- Dr. Ingrid Schraner, Economist
- Cory Wright, AMWU State Secretary
- Justin Page, Former ETU State Secretary, Hunter Joint Organisation
- Nick Willis, Wilco Envirotech Co-founder
Voices of the Hunter Valley - Lake Macquarie Workshop
The Hunter is facing big changes over the coming decades, and we need decisions about the future to be made with the community, for the community.
This year the NSW state government committed to establishing a Hunter Expert Panel and $25 million of Royalties for Rejuvenation, to assist us through the economic changes heading our way. Community input is critical in making sure these funds are invested in a way that makes a real difference.
It’s our home and our future, so we need to figure out what’s really important to us. What are our priorities and how should we plan for them?
This workshop is for residents and workers of the Lake Macquarie LGA.
Join us for this informative and interactive workshop to HAVE YOUR SAY
This is an online event - contact the hosts from Hunter Renewal via
Pub Talk: When Power Stations Close - lessons from Port Augusta, Hazelwood and Collie
Vales Point and Eraring power stations are scheduled to close in 2029 to 2031, but with the cost of renewables falling this could happen much sooner.
How are communities impacted when coal power stations close? What measures can be taken to protect worker's livelihoods in the face of such big economic changes?
This talk presented by the Hunter Jobs Alliance features interviews with workers from Port Augusta which closed in 2016, (Gary Rowbottom) Hazelwood in 2017 (Chris Barfoot) and Collie scheduled to close in 2025 (Sean Emmett).
It will also feature a panel with former Lake Macquarie Deputy Lord Mayor and Hunter Workers Secretary Daniel Wallace, Economist Dr. Ingrid Schraner and other unionists TBA.
Coal Ash Public Meeting
Join the big public meeting in February 2021 to hear from speakers about the environmental and community impacts of coal ash pollution and to discuss industry and policy solutions. It is time to #CleanUpCoalAsh.
In October 2020, the Hunter Community Environment Centre released its second detailed report on heavy metal pollution in NSW waterways leaching from coal ash dumps and the findings went public on state-wide media.
Just a few days prior, the public inquiry into the Costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories had its final sitting and the Public Works Committee are forming recommendations on coal-ash remediation as we speak!
Register now to attend:
Mr Greg Piper, Independent Member for Lake Macquarie will be Master of Ceremonies
Dr Ian Wright, water quality expert from Western Sydney University
Paul Winn, Senior Researcher at HCEC and lead author of Out of the Ashes II
Stephen Banks of Vecor, an Australian company with experience operating coal-ash reuse plants overseas
Nick Willis of Wilco Group, coal-ash reuse business consortium
Dr Ingrid Schraner, economist
Community & Public Panel
Julie Favell, Lithgow resident representing the Lithgow Environment Group
Dr. Jane Aiken, Soil science consultant with a PhD in environmental studies. She is a Lithgow resident advocating for coal ash's economic development.
Bruce Derkenne, Wangi resident representing the Coal Ash Community Alliance
Janet White, Wangi Resident and environmental advocate
Out Of The Ashes ll report
‘Out of the Ashes II: NSW water pollution and our aging coal-fired power stations’ is the second investigative report from HCEC on water pollution from coal-ash waste dumps.
Please join us for a briefing by the Hunter Community Environment Centre of this eye opening report.
Due to covid-19 restrictions, we are limited to 30 people in person. We will have Zoom set up if you prefer to use that platform. Either way you join the briefing is fine but you will need to register. To do that, please click this link
Out of the Ashes II - Report Briefing Session (online only)
Our next investigative report brings together data on coal-ash from industry, Government and independent sources and shows how current regulation allows hundreds of tonnes of heavy metals to escape into waterways in three of our major catchments every year, and go unreported!!
Join us for this special briefing session on our NSW coal-ash report, and the Lake Macquarie & Central Coast findings.
Please RSVP here to join the session via Zoom:
Lifestream of Lake Macquarie Hearing of Coal-ash Inquiry
Speaking schedule for tomorrow is live!
Live-stream link
Power and Pollution: National Community Summit Point Wolstoncroft Sport & Recreation Centre
Australia's coal-fired power stations are closing and regional communities, environments and economies are involved.
Power and Pollution is a fully catered summit on the beautiful Lake Macquarie, will see campaigners, scientists, researchers, unionists and community advocates from around Australia converge to share stories, approaches and resources needed to plan for a sustainable energy transition.
Day 1: Key-note speakers on energy transition and pollution issues, open to the public
Day 2: Series of facilitated networking and discussions, for inter-state and local grassroots groups and participants (Please note, spots for day 2 are now full!)
Environment, strong local communities and workers are our priority; join the Power and Pollution Summit if they're yours.
Register now and read more
Community picnic - no seismic testing in our Lake!
We are calling on people from all walks of life who are concerned about the seismic testing within Lake Macquarie (which has now been postponed for one week only), people who care about our Lake, its wildlife and water quality, who want to be heard and have our questions answered - we will meet for a picnic, exchange information and discuss next steps: bring a plate to share, a chair, a notepad, your creativity and lots of friends!
Bunnings Saussage Sizzle
Craving a delish sausage sizzle?
Do you have questions about the coal ash situation in our area?
The Coal-Ash Community Alliance is here to solve your problems!
Come on by to say hi, fill up & get your questions answered!
We're @ Bunnings Glendale until 4pm!
Jingle Mingle
If you are not part of this group but would like to find out more about us & what we are doing, what better way than at a party?! You are very welcome to join us this Sunday at Wangi Workers Club!
There will be no coal in our stockings!
Food is available from the bistro … but save room for Gary’s mum’s famous ‘Ash Dam Cake’!
Living Smart Festival 2019
Will you consider nominating the Coal-ash Community Alliance as the recipient of $250 and support us with our fundraising goals?
With your support, we will continue to advocate for better regulation of toxic ash waste dumps, and make sure Lake Macquarie will be safe-guarded from heavy metal pollution for future generations to enjoy it as we have.
Come on down to the Festival and drop by our stall!