Join the big public meeting in February 2021 to hear from speakers about the environmental and community impacts of coal ash pollution and to discuss industry and policy solutions. It is time to #CleanUpCoalAsh.
In October 2020, the Hunter Community Environment Centre released its second detailed report on heavy metal pollution in NSW waterways leaching from coal ash dumps and the findings went public on state-wide media.
Just a few days prior, the public inquiry into the Costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories had its final sitting and the Public Works Committee are forming recommendations on coal-ash remediation as we speak!
Register now to attend:
Mr Greg Piper, Independent Member for Lake Macquarie will be Master of Ceremonies
Dr Ian Wright, water quality expert from Western Sydney University
Paul Winn, Senior Researcher at HCEC and lead author of Out of the Ashes II
Stephen Banks of Vecor, an Australian company with experience operating coal-ash reuse plants overseas
Nick Willis of Wilco Group, coal-ash reuse business consortium
Dr Ingrid Schraner, economist
Community & Public Panel
Julie Favell, Lithgow resident representing the Lithgow Environment Group
Dr. Jane Aiken, Soil science consultant with a PhD in environmental studies. She is a Lithgow resident advocating for coal ash's economic development.
Bruce Derkenne, Wangi resident representing the Coal Ash Community Alliance
Janet White, Wangi Resident and environmental advocate