Resources, reading & correspondence
That Dam Newsletter
The CCA publishes an irregular newsletter covering all things #CleanUpCoalAsh and the impacts of coal-power on community, air & water.
Issue 1: June 2020
Correspondence with NSW Government & EPA
Members of the alliance have spent many hours preparing submissions and letters for government to inform and inspire action on the coal-ash issue
Alliance submission to Cost of remediation of sites containing coal-ash repositories
Heavy metals in Lake Macquarie & its seafood
The results of high cadmium in mud-crab and selenium in fish found by C&R risk assessment and advice for metal concentrations in seafood from Lake Macquarie, NSW uncovered by the Hunter Community Environment Centre in 2019, and published in their Out of the Ashes report on NSW coal-ash water pollution impacts.
Read the ABC article: Crabs in Lake Macquarie contaminated with unhealthy levels of cadmium
Tracing pollution from trace metals in Lake Mac: Gary of the CCA and Paul of HCEC collect surface water samples for heavy metal analysis from Lake Macquarie in 2019