Resources, reading & correspondence


That Dam Newsletter

The CCA publishes an irregular newsletter covering all things #CleanUpCoalAsh and the impacts of coal-power on community, air & water.

Issue 1: June 2020

Issue 2: August 2020

Issue 3: April 2021

Issue 4: July 2021

Issue 5: March 2022

Correspondence with NSW Government & EPA

Members of the alliance have spent many hours preparing submissions and letters for government to inform and inspire action on the coal-ash issue


Heavy metals in Lake Macquarie & its seafood

Tracing pollution from trace metals in Lake Mac: Gary of the CCA and Paul from HCEC collect surface water sample from Lake Macquarie iin 2019 for heavy metal analysis.

Tracing pollution from trace metals in Lake Mac: Gary of the CCA and Paul of HCEC collect surface water samples for heavy metal analysis from Lake Macquarie in 2019